香 港 健 臨 藥 業 (集 團) 有 限 公 司

健臨品牌  家傳戶曉  草本精研  保健佳選

124 天地坊 : 納米 利脈通 150粒
HK$ 380.00 / set
納米高科技強力利脈通採用最新科技, 從純天然草藥提煉抗動脈硬化, 血管栓塞, 平衡血壓, 降血脂之自然保健劑.
高血壓是所有心血管病中最常見的病症. 由於人體脂肪新陳代謝失調, 血液中的循環脂肪日積月累, 尤其三酸甘油脂及膽固醇積聚血管壁內, 令心臟負荷增加, 使動脈失去原有彈性, 引致動脈粥樣硬化. 再者 高血壓患者罹患中風, 冠狀高血壓病, 心力衰竭, 心肌梗塞, 血管病變, 老年性痴呆及腎衰竭, 眼病的可能性是非常之高.
為針對治療抗動脈硬化及其併發症, 本廠經多年臨床實驗精心研製出強力利脈通. 病患者經長期服用, 除達至肯定的治療功效外, 並且無不良副作用, 病患者可安心服用.

適應症: 動脈硬化, 血壓高, 心肌梗塞, 心絞痛, 心臟過勞, 大腦栓塞, 腦溢血, 眩暈頭痛, 記憶減退, 肝硬化及肝功能障礙等.
包裝: 6 0 / 100 / 150 粒
服法: 口服, 成人每日二次, 每次一粒, 或遵照醫生指示服用. 每個療程為四至六個月.
總代理: 健臨藥業有限公司
Features & Usage
This Nano product is purely abstracted from natural berbal through advanced technology. It’s a snaitarian preparation of antiatheroselerosis, balancing blood circulation, decreasing lipid Arteriosclerosis and Hypertension. Clnical tests prove that it’s effective and has not any side effect.
This product is made of selected Natural Herbal containing no toxic & chemicals. No side effect reported.
Indications: Aeteriosclerosis, hypertension, myocardial infraction, angina pectoris, cerebral infraction, bleeding in the brain, vertigo & headache, loss of memory, cirrhosis.

Suggested Use: One capsule two times daily or as directed by the physician.
Description: A unique formulation containing a blend of unique herbs. This product is designed to protect the liver and help combat the effects of alcohol.
Standard Fromulation: Contains no sugar, starch, salt, preservatives, artifical ingredients, coloring, milk, wheat, yeast or animal derivatives.
Packing: 6 0 / 100 / 150 capsules.
Manufactured By: Kin Lam Medicine CO., Ltd.
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